Wednesday, December 11, 2024

I Hurt You, I Know

I hurt you, I know, I realized, and it breaks me inside, 

I see the pain in your eyes, you cried, you can't hide. 

I begged on my knees, my heart open wide,

I know I can’t seem to heal the wound I supplied.  

I wonder, we shared so much; how can it be easily gone? 

Tea at the roadside, puffed with both lips being aside. 

Slept so tight, hearts with their tunes,  

Drove through the night, silently, musically with good vibes. 

We purchased things, amidst the dusks,

Chatted thought the nights, with talks and the loves,  

But, now all the moments are gone away,

Lost in the silence, that your heart chose to stay

“Sorry!” I said, thousands more,

You did not open the door,

Silence! Remains, your heart is so far,

Silence is here though; I haven’t set the bar.

I know you don’t text, don’t call, don’t stay,

I will love you in silence, come what may.

You said, “I cried a crocodile tear, stay away!”

But you forgot how my heart broke that day!!

December 11, 2024

Beni, Myagdi

Monday, August 1, 2016

Do not Restrict!!!

Do not Restrict
We are beyond the restrictions line,...
It knew no boundary,
Drifted from the company
Rested in our souls.

Do not Restrict
It's not only a fling
That ran for a short course
It bounced the physicality
Rested in the metaphysics.

Do not Restrict
The words we have chosen
Were the emergence of our hearts
Softly proven
Rested pleasing to the ears.

Do not Restrict
Too much of it Clasp the separation
Devastating the soundness of the heart
Resting the path of liberty.

Do not Restrict
Restrictions sprung out of the mundane circumstances
Rested in the doubtful existence.

27 July, 2016
Bagar, Pokhara

It knew no boundary,

Drifted from the company


Rested in our souls


Do not restrict

For it's not only a fling

That ran for a short course

It bounced the physicality

And rested in the metaphysics


Do not restrict


The words we have chosen

Were the emergence of our hearts

Softly proven


Rested pleasing to the ears


Do not restrict


Too much of it clasp the separation

Devastating the soundness of the heart

And resting the path of liberty



Do not restrict


Restrictions sprung out of the mundane circumstances


Rested in the doubtful existence



27July 20176

Bagar, Pokhara

Thursday, May 19, 2016


The ups and the downs

The hills and the rains

The streams and the tears

Flows you always in,

Making my life complete,


The satisfaction ceases,

The drops they dry,

Flows in your every cry,

The distraction you have,

The incompleteness you bear,

I know, every moments you roar,


My bearing to you,

My caring to you,

Loving you,

Remain incomplete,

Forgive me not my dear


I could not complete you.

