Sunday, May 25, 2014

Tribute to my Mom

Tribute to my mom,
Who cried but never let me.
Tribute to her,
Who remained hungry, but never let me.
Thanks to my dearest mom
Who didn't bye for,
But bought for me,
The clothes, always so new for me,
The fragrance, always the admirable for me,
My childhood, and the yearly DASHAIN,
With full of happiness so it remained,
The joys, I shared with her,
The moments, I spent with her,
Always so pure, always so true,
Can't be compared, salute with its value,
For the fulfillment of all,
The daily pills and the pressure,
Preparing over here,
Missing you a lot,
As the day to go home,
On its verge,
I love you Mom.


ltd|} ;Demgfn] ubf{ /ftel/ /f]Psf] 5' .
lanf}gf d s] u/f} v} el§ leq l5/]sf] 5' ..

d:t lgGb|f ;kgfsf knx?df b]v]sf] 5' .
h'gL — h'gL ;+u} afRg] s;d hf] vfPsf] 5' ..

5f8L uof} lgh{g agfO{ 9's9'sL r} /fv]sf] 5' .
kmsL{ cfp5\of} eGg] cfz arfP/} /fv]sf] 5' ..

k/L h:t} lyof} ltdL cw/ ltd}| r'd]sf] 5' .
gzfn' Tof] gogdf ufhnnfO{ ;hfsf] 5' ..

dgdg} ltd}| nflu eujfgnfO{ efs]sf] 5' .
ltd}|nflu elg lk|o cf}+l7 lrgf] /fv]sf] 5' ..

lxhf] dfq} zx/df cs}{ ;+u b]v]sf] 5' .
lj5f]8sf] Tof] knnfO{ e'nfpg vf]h]sf] 5' ..

ltd|} ;Demgfn] lk|o dg hnfO /fv]sf] 5' .
;DxfNg d cfkm}nfO el§ leq l5/]sf] 5' ..

                        sljtf uf]li6
                        /Tg lzIff SofDk;,
                        c;f/ #),
                        efg' holGt pknIo



ltd|f] xf/ eof] cfh <

d}n] ;f]w]F .

xf]Og, ltd|f] xf/ eof] cfh

clg d}n] lht]F .

pgsf] hjfkm lyof] .


xfdLn] cfh Pp6f v]n v]Nof}F .

b'j}sf] efufefu eof] .

:jfF –:jfF / ˆjfFˆjfF

otf plt bf}l8of}F clg dlRrof}F .

slxn] pgn] dnfO{ e]§fOg\

slxn] d}n] pgnfO{ e]§fPF .

Psl5g pgL dfly kl/g

Psl5g d dfly k/]F .

d}n] eg]sf] pgn] dflggg\ .

pgn] eg]sf] d}n] dflggF .

d}n] lbPF pgn] eg] hlt

pgn] lnOg\ dgn] dfu] hlt

km]/L v} s] /Gsf] k–of] xfdLnfO{

pgn] sf]xL u'xfl/g\  cfˆgf] OR5f k"lt{ u/L

dnfO{ b]vfpg,

d}n] klg To;} u/]F

sf]xL u'xf/]F cfˆgf] OR5f k"lt{ u/]F .

pgn] elgg\ b]lv;\

cfFvfsf] efjdf

d}n] eg] b]lv;\

d':sfgsf] efsfdf .


;fob pgsf] efjdf ljhosf] pNnf;do jftfj/0f lyof]

Tof] eGbf a9L

dnfO{ x/fPsf]df v';Lsf] lrTsf/ lyof] .

dnfO{ klg To:t} nfUof] .

d]/f] d':sfgdf HfLtsf] c§fxf; lyof] .

d]/f] cf]7df ljhosf] r'Djg lyof] .


clg km]/L

d}n] pgnfO{ x]/]F .

pgsf cfFvf km'NfLPsf] efj e+uLdf

lhtsf] cfF;' 5NsfO{ /x]sf] lyPF

dnfO{ gb]v]sf] jfxfgf u/]F .

d}n] klg b]v] ´}F gb]vL u/L

pgsf] cfˆgf] ljhosf] jLeT;nfO{ j9fO lbPF .


km]/L ;fF´,

d}n] ltdLnfO{ hLt] pgn] elgg\ .

xf]Og d}n] eg]F ltdLnfO{ d}n] x/fPF

xf]Og xf]Og sf] u'xf/L rnL /x\of] .

w]/} j]/,


clnËgdf km]/L hLtxf/sf]

qd rln/x\of] .

d rlst 5'

ToxfF s:n] lhTof] < s;n] xf–of] <

w]/} k/ ;Dd w]/} kl5 :fDd===

d}n] hLt]===

d}n] x/fPF===

ltdLn] xf/\of}

d}n] hLt]F ======= sf] qmd rln/x\of] .


z'Gotf, df}gtf, rsdGgtf

;a} lalu|of], etfe'Ë eof]

Dffq cfˆgf] cfˆgf] hLtsf] v';Ldf

Xfd|f] ;DaGw 6'ls|of] .

Xfd|f] ;DaGw 6'ls|of] .

                —!) c;f]h @)^&


Post title

x] dfgj,
ltd|f] hLjg b'O{lbgsf]
of t Ps l5gsf] .
afFr ;Fu}, afFrf},
lsg of] å]if, O{iof <
lsg of] t]/f] / d]/f]<
ltdL t ;s/fTds ;f]rsf] efif0f lbGYof},
clg lsg of] gs/fTdstf <
afFr ;w} dfof / ddtfdf
clg eg, xfd|f] of] ;femf,
lsg s'07f kfn]/ sfnf] cg'xf/ 5 <
xfF;, Psl5g v'n]/,
afFr Psl5g e'n]/ .
;f]r abnf} g,
cflv/ s] nfG5f} / ltdLn] <
d[To' cflv/ ;a}nfO{ a/fa/,
ltd|f] of], d]/f] of],
Aoy{tfsf] ;+u|fddf,
lsg 3'8f v':sg] u/L efU5f} <
cfkm}nfO km'Nofpg] k|of;df
lsg c?nfO ?jfp5f} <
clg c§fx; u/]/,
lsg d';f]sf] Joaxf/ u5f}{ <
Joy{ ltd|f] ;s/fTds ;f]rsf] efif0f,
cfkm}t abng ;s]gf}
s] c?nfO abnf}nf / v} <
ltd|f] clrGtgdf bof nfU5 dnfO,
;Ddfg t d ltdLnfO ;w} uy]{,
P dfgj,
ca, bofsf] lev r} gdfu
lsgsL, ltd|f] ul/aL dnfO yfxf 5,
ltdLn] gdfu]sf] lev,
d ltdLnfO pkxf/ df lbG5' ,
dfq xfF; / xfF:g l;sfp
cfkm'xf:g] afxfgfdf c?nfO g?jfp .

laxfg !)Ù !) ah]

When the heart melts

When the heart melts and
Flung in the sky,
When the eyes well up
And the tears fall from so high,
I miss you dear.

When the life gets into the ravine and
The sun shines,
When the bruising veins flows through a narrow escape and
Heart tights,
When the feeling turns in to a long sigh,
And tears drops from so high,
I miss you dear.

When the dew drops and
Shines by the rays,
When a breeze touches the cheeks and
The feeling of happiness reaches its top and
Hangs in a rope,
When the drizzle shakes the leaf,
Purifies the soul and let in the heaven,
When the birds sing and flutter its wings,
The heart melts and changes into the tear,
The moment so high,
The moment so tough,
I miss you dear.

----21st may, 2011, Sunday
7:40 am
Valley Band