Saturday, June 7, 2014

…are so apart

We played hide and go-seek
In the bosom o f KU Garden
Yet we could not find each other.
We remained so close,
Yet we were far apart.
We stumbled with each other,
Yet we forgot to shake hands,
We smiled at each other,
Yet we forgot to talk,
Our eyes met in the corridor,
Yet we pretended we don’t know each other.
We knew many things
Yet we did not share anything.
We  have so many in common
Yet pretended we are different
Our home, our parents, our gurus are the same,
Yet we assumed we are separate,
The boundary now is to be collapsed
Together we clap, together we grow,
Together we talk, together we share
Our vision, our goal, and our personalities,
For which,
We gather,
To extend our hands and hearts,
Whole heartedly
To welcome you to be in our bosom
And, we to be in yours.
Because, we remain so close
Yet we are so apart.
-         Krishna Khatiwada
Kathmandu University
Recited in the Welcome program to MPhil First Semester